What is the Kanga Fun Run?

The Keene Mill Kanga Fun Run is a 9 day program and is the PTA's largest fundraiser. By collecting pledges from family and friends across the world, you are supporting the Keene Mill community. 

During the program, students learn a different character trait through daily videos at school and nightly challenges.  Students get moving and exercising during the exciting conclusion of the event - the Fun Run.  This year the Fun Run will take place on Friday, April 19th.

Students can win prizes for collecting pledges. This year the prizes are in partnership with Dude Perfect.  Prizes will be delivered daily to their classrooms.

All students will participate in the Fun Run event on April 19th, regardless of financial participation.

What are we raising money for?

Funds raised from this event go toward classroom libraries, continued garden improvements, classroom carpets, continuing PTA initiatives, classroom supplies and other school and PTA programs and events! Our goal is to raise $28,500.

What is this year's theme?

​World Changer Workshop takes place at a seemingly normal but secretly magical Makerspace.  It follows the adventure of 3 kids who face a huge challenge - Change the World.  If they don't, a magical power source within the worship could be the start of a worldwide cataclysmic chain reaction.  Along the way, the kids meet past worshippers who teach them steps to making a difference.

​Students will learn how small actions can make a big impact.


Questions:  Email booster@keenemillpta.org

Everyone is invited to attend the culminating event of our Booster program - THE FUN RUN!

This year the event takes place on Friday, April 19th.  

9:30am - 10:30am - 5th & 6th Grades


1:25pm - 2:25pm - 3rd & 4th Grades


2:45pm - 3:45pm - Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades


Please make sure students wear comfortable clothing and shoes they can run in. We encourage them to come in Keene Mill shirts or colors (blue/red).  Please make sure they have a water bottle so they can remain hydrated during the event.  
All students will participate in the Fun Run event on April 19th, regardless of financial participation.
Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend the Fun Run to cheer on the students. The Fun Run will take place on the baseball fields above the playground. Please enter the grounds on the playground side of the building (if you are facing the front of the school the playground is on your right).  All visitors should sign in at the table.  ​​​​​​​

Last year, the Fun Run raised $40,760.  With those funds, many things were done including the following:

In addition to the above, the PTA has used funds raised to provide teacher enrichment reimbursements, PTA meeting speakers, our Literacy Initiative, Student Care and Counselor needs, and staff hospitality/appreciation.

The PTA Budget is available here.

Register on mybooster.com. It’s so easy!  

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to register.

Log in or sign up on MYBOOSTER.COM. Then, families can register their student as a participant on MYBOOSTER.COM by searching for the school by name. Students get a FREE prize just for being registered.

Help students reach their goal for 65% Registered.

Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on mybooster.com.

Give a donation, if you are able.

Pledging is super simple! Donors can choose to pledge a flat-rate (for example, $35) or a per-lap amount (for example $1 per lap completed). Every student that participates will be automatically assessed 34 laps (the Keene Mill historical average).  This helps keep the flow and energy of the event high.  It also keeps students AND teachers fully engaged in the Fun Run.  

​Don't forget to see if your employer participates in the Corporate Matching Program.

The Kanga Fun Run kicked off today! 

As students were finishing up another successful Helping Games with Chalk for Kindness, the normal Booster kick-off assembly had to be changed to a Booster Kick-Off video.

Parents, you can view the video here.

Tonight, the class with the most Student Star Videos on Mybooster.com earns a Game Time with the Booster Team! 

In addition, the class in each grade with the highest registration % will win their classroom teacher a special edition Keene Mill Baseball Cap.  (Unfortunately, the caps have not been delivered yet so the teachers will get them at a later date).  

Our goal is to raise $28,500 for classroom libraries, continued garden improvements, classroom carpets, continuing PTA initiatives, classroom supplies and other school and PTA programs and events. 

In addition to the $28,500 goal, students have a REGISTRATION GOAL of 60%.  If 60% of the student body registers, a Lip Sync Battle between staff members will be taped and played for students on the daily news show.

Here’s how you can support the Fun Run efforts:

  • 1. Register on mybooster.com tonight. It’s so easy!

  • 2. Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on


  • 3. Give a donation, if you are able.


Thank you for supporting our school!. We can’t wait for the Keene Mill Kanga Fun Run happening on April 19th!

Today the kids started their journey to save the World Changer Workspace. The first step on their journey is Find a Need. They met Aidan and his harmonica. Through his musical ability, Aidan raised money but decided not to keep it himself. Instead he gave it away. He told the kids to determine who needs help, do something you are good at then connect it to a need somewhere around you. For Aidan it was giving it away to a group of sick kids.


Parents can watch the video here


Our Nightly Challenge is The WEEKEND CHALLENGE. Any student who earns $2 per lap OR $60 in NEW donations by 8am Monday morning earns a Bonus Reward.


Thank you for your early support of our Fun Run fundraiser. If you’re not able to participate through giving this year, we TOTALLY understand. Would you consider registering and sharing with a few friends and family? Just go to http://mybooster.com.


Every donation and share counts! 


Every student participates in the Fun Run on Friday and will be given the national average of 34 laps. Times available here.


Even though the kids wrote out their plans, they still have more work to do. Students today met Alex. Alex’s plan was to make BrickBots out of his extra Lego pieces and send them to kids in need around the United States. Rather than doing it himself, he assembled a team of friends. Each friend plays a special part in the plan. By asking for help and working as a team, a bigger difference can be made.

Parents can view video here: https://vimeo.com/830207742/48b9a14ced?share=copy

The Nightly Challenge is the Recess DJ Challenge.  The grade with the highest number of pledges tonight will win a Booster DJ at recess.

Don't forget to Register, Share & Donate at http://mybooster.com.

We reached our Registration Goal of 60%.  Can we get to 70%?




Today, the kids in the workspace determined that there is a need for books and plan to get books through a virtual book drive. Students then met Connor - an inventor and app developer. He explained Step 2 in making a change – Write a Plan. His advice: Write down your plan for all of your ideas. From the time he was young through to his current app, he always writes down his plan for himself and to share with others.

Parents can watch the video here:  https://vimeo.com/830207728/c772100d0c?share=copy


Tonight's Nightly Challenge: The PJ CHALLENGE. For any student getting a pledge tonight, they can wear school appropriate pajamas tomorrow April 16th. (please note: This is a complete honor system challenge. No one will be checking if a student has received a pledge).

How can you help?

1. Register on mybooster.com tonight

2. Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on mybooster.com. 

3. Give a donation, if you are able.

Our website is packed with information about the program as well.


Students are working toward TWO goals this year.


With 60% of the student body registered (484 students), members of the Keene Mill Staff will record a Lip Sync Battle to be broadcast to all the students.


  • FINANCIAL GOAL: $28,500

If we reach our financial goal, Keene Mill will throw a School-Wide Dance Party led by our principal, Ms. Peace.​


Booster and YouTube trick shot stars Dude Perfect are teaming up to bring exclusive content and prizes to Booster’s school fundraisers.

With over 58 million subscribers across the world, Dude Perfect, a five-man sports and comedy group focused out of Frisco, Texas, is the second-most-subscribed sports channel on YouTube and 23rd-most-subscribed overall.

Since beginning its channel in 2009 with videos of trick shots, the group has teamed up with numerous names in the sports industry, launched an additional show, landed a book deal and toured the U.S. to share its family friendly content live with fans. Dude Perfect enjoys spreading joy and giving back to its fans and community through the Dude Perfect Hope Foundation.

As they continue to try and save the Workshop, the kids called up their friends and family asking for books for their virtual book drive. Today, students were introduced to Trisha who dreamed of a world with no bullies and kids are more likely to send messages online than adults without thinking of consequences. Trisha developed an app called, Rethink that gives everyone a second chance to think twice before sending a potential message. She tested app 1500 times but despite the testing fear that it would fail crept in. However, she knew the app would make a difference so launched it.

Did anyone ask you about Ghostbusters? It was referenced in today’s video.  Watch the video here:  https://vimeo.com/830207758/d6af15fea0?share=copy

Tonight's Nightly Challenge is Booster at School. The Class with the most donations on Wednesday night will get to host the Booster team as they return to their own school days with our winning classroom for a short time.

Don't forget to Register, Share & Donate at http://mybooster.com.  We are so close to our goal of $28,500.


How can students get donations?

Families can help connect students to sponsors by sharing their fundraising link on Facebook, through email, or even a text. Sponsors can enter and pay for those donations online through students’ fundraising link!  Simply go to mybooster.com to register today.  Every Share Counts!


Will laps be counted?

All students will be assessed the historical Keene Mill average of 34 laps.  Rather than taking time to mark laps on a shirt as many schools did prior to Covid, we prefer to keep the kids moving continuously.  With over 800 students, trying to mark laps on sometime sweaty kids was a big of challenge.  By choosing to automatically give students credit 34 laps, student and teachers alike get to fully engage in the experience.


How big is the track?

The Outdoor Fun Run track is about 1/16th of a mile, 1/4 the size of a normal high school track. The average student will complete 30-35 laps over the 40-50 minutes of the run.  Don't worry there are walking laps, dancing laps, airplane laps and so much more.  Plus students are encouraged to take water breaks as well.  No one is required to run for the entire time


Can students receive a prize for flat donations?

Yes! All flat donations count toward donations and are rounded by 30 (the average student will complete over 30 laps. So, a $30 donation is the same as $1 per lap. A $60 donation is the same as $2 per lap, etc.


What if families don’t have the Internet?

If a student’s family does not have Internet access, families can send in cash or check in an envelope labeled with their student’s name and their teacher’s name.


How do sponsors pay?

Sponsors will be prompted to pay online for all donations, even per lap donations. Sponsors will receive an email after the Keene Mill Kanga Fun Run with the amount of their payment based on how many laps were completed. 


Can I make a donation if I don’t want to pay online?

YES! You can either turn in the payment for a donation listed on the Fundraising Guide, or you can request to turn off online payments for your account through our help desk on MYBOOSTER.COM.


When is donation money due?

Donation money is due within ONE WEEK after the event. Families have one week to collect their donations after the Keene Mill Kanga Fun Run


Can I write a check?

For donations not made on MYBOOSTER.COM, you can still turn in cash or check.

 Please make checks out to: Keene Mill PTA.


Still have questions?  Contact booster@keenemillpta.org